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Oh Boy .. Get the look

Det her outfit havde jeg på for et par dage siden, da jeg mødtes med en veninde for, at drikke en kop varmt, og gå en tur på strøjet. Man må nyde de hvide sneaks de sidste dage, de kan bruges. Jo mere regn og sjap der kommer udenfor, jo mindre kan de bruges. I hvertfald hvis de skal holdes hvide.

Nednefor har jeg samlet en ‘get the look’ guide. Du får bukserne her – t-shirten her og sneaks her.


In english: A couple of days ago, i met with a friend for a cup of coffee and a walk down the main shopping street “strøget” in Copenhagen. This is the outfit I was wearing. You have to enjoy your white sneaks while the weather is still okay. At least if you want them to stay white and clean. Above I have made a guide on how to ‘get the look’

You get the t-shirt

here, the pants here and the shoes here.

// Josephine


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