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Endelig er der gode nyheder! Efter flere videoer med dårlig nyt, er det endelig tid til lidt positive vibes herfra. I min nye video afslører jeg, hvad det er der endelig går vores vej og så får I lov til at følge med på min arbejdsdag. Lige for tiden er ingen dage ens, men det her er et ærligt billede af, hvordan en dag i mit nye arbejdsliv kan se ud. Jeg håber, at I kan lide den lidt anderledes og mere håndholdte video, hvor I får lov til at følge med helt uden filter.

Jeg vil blive sindssygt glad, hvis I gider at subscribe til min YouTube kanal!

English: Finally I have some good news. The freelancer that we have hired to create our new blogger platform agreed to finish the project, and this is a really big relief for us. Today I just released a new video on my YouTube channel and in video you get the chance to follow along and see how my day sometimes looks like here in Vietnam. First I’m meeting with a British owned company, and even though we found out that they are not the right partner for our project we got a lot of valuable information so that was a really interesting meeting. Next we go to district one, the centre of Ho Chi Minh City to pick up our new business cards and stickers. After a quick lunch we were supposed to attend one more meeting, but they cancel two hours before. This is the first time in Vietnam, that I experience a cancelation, and ironically it’s a Danish company that cancels. You would never see any Vietnamese company do that. Hope you like the video!

// Josephine

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